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PAC is for Parent Advisory Council, a group of parents in the school that want to make a positive difference for children.


​EVERY parent at Cunningham is a PAC Parent - whether you participate in meetings or not, whether you volunteer in the school or not. If you are a parent/guardian under the School Act in our school, you ARE a PAC member, with all the rights and privileges of every member whether you exercise them or not. We exist and function according to the legislation under the BC School Act. EVERY parent is a PAC member.


The PAC's main role is to make sure YOU have a voice in our school community. One of our other important roles is to engage with the School to identify and improve opportunities and learning outcomes for ALL students. We can also assist parents in navigating various school or district processes, policies, conflict resolution and advocating on their behalf. We also help with fundraising and discuss special events, educational activities and bring in enriching things for the children.


This year, all meetings will be held online until further notice. All parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend. We will be discussing many things including where we are now, options for what this year may look like and the Principal will be on hand to provide a report and answer questions as best as they are able.


PAC Executives and Members at Large


The Executive is elected annually by our members which consist of every parent/guardian at our school. Our members (you!) are encouraged to participate as much or as little as they are able. Our success as a PAC throughout the year is critically dependent on parent involvement, even if it is just your voice.


Decisions are made at our general meetings by majority votes of the membership. While your Executive have certain roles, obligations and responsibilities, the Executive's role is not to make all the rules or make all of the decisions. The Executives manage and carry out the will of the membership as decided by the membership. We are a democracy under the commonly held fundamental principles of Robert's Rules of Order which means ALL of our members (parents/guardians) have equal membership rights and privileges as laid out in our Constitution & Bylaws, without exception.


PAC Executives are all volunteers, doing the best we can with what we have. Please be patient with us as we move forward and we welcome any questions or suggestions and try to address those as quickly and as accurately as possible. Any discussions with individual parents are considered privileged and held in confidence by the Executive.



2021-22 PAC Executive Members


Chair: Karla Greer

Secretary: Lana Malli

Finance Team: Wingo Siu, Shirley Chow, Lorena Larragoiti

Member-at-Large: Janice Yuen


Our Mission

Our Vision

Cunningham PAC is a place for community grow.  A place where each of us can connect with other parents/guardians of the children at our local school, learn more about what is happening at the school, ask questions and contribute to a rich experience for our children.

PAC Constitution & Bylaws

We welcome you to review the current edition of the Cunningham PAC Constitution & Bylaws here

We Need Your Support Today!

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